Posted on 8/23/2021

If you are seeing white smoke coming from your vehicle's exhaust pipe, then you may be concerned. White smoke is not a normal condition - so what does it mean? Your exhaust pipe is where your car's fumes are released. Even though white smoke is not regular, it does not necessarily always point to a bad issue. Below are some of the common reasons behind white exhaust smoke: Condensation Condensation or water vapor is the most non-threatening cause of white smoke emitting from your pipe. If you see the white smoke on a chilly day and you only just started your car, you may just be seeing condensation. The following steps would be to wait it out and see if the smoke clears. Coolant Leak A coolant leak is one of the most prominent causes of white smoke. If there is a coolant leak anywhere within your vehicle, you may also detect a sweet syrupy smell in your car. Low coolant can be very damaging to your vehicle's engine and its neighbo ... read more